Meditation with Crystals
Crystals can assist one in contacting the perfection of the divine and can allow one to reach the higher spiritual levels during meditation. Attainment of these levels provides for discovery of the divine being inherent to the self. The crystal magnifies ones personal energy by merely focusing and connecting it with the universal powers.
Contacting the higher intelligence of the mineralogical kingdom via meditation may provide substantive information about the mineral kingdom and the various ways the minerals may help humanity.
The techniques of allowing minerals to assist in meditation involve holding a pre-selected stone in the hand/hands or placing the stone on the floor or a table and allowing the self to focus on it during entry into the meditative state.
In group meditations, sitting in a circle, with crystals in the centre is quite effective. Assure that prior to meditation, that all participants hold the precise intention of the group.
Holding a crystal during meditation with music will often allow the user to "see" the music in terms of colour and shape. When harmonious music is played in the presence of a crystal, much of the intention of the composer is impressed in the crystal structure and if one "listens" to the crystal at a later time during a meditative state, one will often be able to "hear" and understand the etheric message of the music.